About Fix and Flip Loans

Charlotte Fix and Flip Loans That
Make Money

Fix and flip loans HouseMax Funding Fix and flip loans HouseMax Funding

Keep More of Your Flipping Money With HouseMax

With a hard money loan you can fund your next project fast, with a fraction of the cash.

Why Hard Money Fix and Flip Lenders

Why Hard Money?

Why Hard Money

In a competitive real estate market, cash is king. What many
investors have learned, though, is that while cash may be king, it is not always completely necessary. Hard money loans provide investors who do not have (or want to deploy) all of the cash required to fund a purchase + renovation the ability to compete with cash buyers, while utilizing just a fraction of the cash out‑of‑pocket.

What are Hard Money Loans?

What are Hard Money Loans

Hard money loans are specific short-term advances the lender provides for the purchase of a property. Such a loan is an excellent option if you are an investor that is looking to close a loan quickly. The average hard money loan process can complete in 10 business days or less in most cases.

What is the Average Hard Money Loan Duration?

What is the Average Hard Money Loan Duration

Most hard money loans that are for rental properties pay off in 90 days or less. If the repairs are completed in 30 days or less, and you immediately get it rented, your tenant will be making your payments. We have actually had some clients refinance in under 45 days. On properties being flipped, the current average loan duration for our clients is 120 days.

Why Hard Money

In a competitive real estate market, cash is king. What many
investors have learned, though, is that while cash may be king, it is not always completely necessary. Hard money loans provide investors who do not have (or want to deploy) all of the cash required to fund a purchase + renovation the ability to compete with cash buyers, while utilizing just a fraction of the cash out‑of‑pocket.

People use hard money for:

House Fix and Flips
House Flips
Rental Loans by HouseMax Funding
Rental Properties
Renovation with hard money loans
hard money for Multi-Family Housing
Multi-Family Housing
hard money for commercial properties

Hard Money Makes Sense

Using HouseMax will allow you to do up to 5 times as many deals, compared to cash. The lender will base the loan on a percentage of the projected after-repair value (ARV) of the property rather than the purchase of the residential or commercial property. Lenders will reimburse for the repairs that you have completed, which helps keep the cash flowing.

Hard Money Example

A distressed property may be for sale for $200,000, which is discounted from its true value of $325,000 because of all the necessary repairs. A traditional lender will offer a conventional loan of up to 75 percent of the purchase price of the home that would be, at most, $150,000. The hard money lender will offer up to 75 percent of the after-repair value, which can be up to $243,750. These loan funds can be used to renovate the property and make huge profits.

Fast Hard Money Fix
and Flip Financing

HouseMax Funding provides top tier fix and flip funding
and fix and flip loans in Charlotte and is one of the top fix and flip lenders around,
perfect for both first time fix and flip loans and experienced fix and flip customers.
Find out more by requesting a quote below.

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